Perth South West Metropolitan Alliance Board
Mr Glen Dougall – CEO City of Fremantle
Mr Wayne Jack – CEO City of Kwinana
The Perth South West Board comprises the Mayors and CEOs of the six member Councils and meets four to six times per year to consider regional issues, projects and priorities.
The Board is supported by a committee structure that provides input into business activities and technical advice in specialist areas where specific expertise is required (planning, engineering, financial, environmental, economic and community development)
The current Committee structure includes:
- CEOs Forum – comprising the six member Council CEOs
- Planning and Technical Directors Forum – comprising the Planning and Engineering Directors from the six member Councils
- Economic Development and Strategic Planners Forum – comprising the Senior Economic Development Officer or Strategic Planners from the six member Councils
- Environmental Forum – comprising Councillors and Officers from the six member Councils, as well as industry and community representatives
- South West Corridor Development Foundation Incorporated (SWCDeF Inc.) – comprising representatives from the member Councils as well as business and community organisations.
Role statements for each of the above committees are provided here.
Chair roles for the Board and CEOs Forum are rotated annually amongst member Councils, whilst Chair roles for the other committee are either appointed or elected amongst the membership as required.
Further information on the activities and achievements of the Board and Committees is available in the Perth South West Metropolitan Alliance Annual Reports.